Antropological psychiatry
Josef Zislin
(Psychiatrist, independent researcher, Jerusalem)
Early Cinema: Key Films and Research Practices
Anna Kovalova
(Visiting assistant professor at the University of Pittsburg)
Fundamentals of the Literature Theory
Anna Sergeeva-Klyatis
(Doctor in philology, Researcher in the International Institute for Holocaust Research)
Herzen and revolution
Ilya Kliger
(Ph.D. Comparative Literature, Yale University, Associate Professor, New York University)
Boris Maslov
(PhD Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, Associate professor at the university of Oslo)
Ideological Disputes of the First Wave Emigration
Leonid Lux
(Professor of history, editor-in-chief of the journals Forum of Contemporary Eastern European History and Culture and Forum für Osteuropäische Ideen und Zeitgeschichte)
Imperial music in Russia in the 19th-20th century - formulation of the issue
Grigoriy Pantielev
(Musical critic)
Introduction to death studies
Svetlana Eremeeva
(Candidate of cultural studies, researcher, author of articles on memory studies and death studies)
Introduction to Teleological Poetics (Literary Theory)
Evgeny Soshkin
(Ph.D., visiting lecturer at the University of Constanta)
Inna Karezina
(Scholar of classics, instructor of Ancient Greek and Latin)
Modern Russian language dramaturgy as a tool for studying reality of 2000-2023
Natalya Skorokhod
(Doctor of Art History, play writer, screenwriter, author of numerous articles on the history, theory and practice of drama and staging)
Poetry of Boris Pasternak: Hermeneutics and text comprehension
Anna Sergeeva-Klyatis
(Doctor in philology, Researcher in the International Institute for Holocaust Research)
Russian literature in Exile: "Russian Paris" in the Interwar Period
Victor Dmitriev
(PhD of philology)
Social Theory Characters
Viktor Vakhshtayn
(Socioilogist, specialist in social theory and microbiology)
The Boundaries of the "New" Music
Grigoriy Pantielev
(Musical critic)
The history of objectivity, or how literature started to look modern
Pavel Arsenyev
(Artist, poet and theoritician, editor of the Translit journal, Andrey Beliy Prize holder)